Weight & Thickness

The weight of the paddle determines very much how it will perform for you. If it is heavier it will most certainly have more power in the shot but will not have so much paddle speed. The super light paddles will also be thinner and so you will get much faster reaction times and have most probably better shot placement but you will lose a fraction of the power. There is a trade off and unfortunately you cannot have your paddle do everything for you as that would take the fun out of such an awesome game, wouldn't it? You will be wise to make a decision based on what you think will work best for your game. More power is not always a good thing if you lose the element of control and so staying in a comfort zone in the middle is often a wise choice.

New players to the game are best advised to steer towards the middle or lighter end of the range of weights.

Our Paulownia paddle is the most versatile and has the best all round power.

Paulownia Paddle weights

Weights 7ozs (200g) to 10ozs (285g)  

Paulownia Paddle Thickness in mm
P14mm P17mm P22mm P25mm 

Comfort Zone recommendation - P17mm